Why it has this name, I don't know. I found it on the side of a Duncan Hines cake mix box.
Streusel Filling:
- 2 Tbsp cake mix (Butter Golden mix)
- 2 Tbsp brown sugar
- 2 tsp powdered cinnamon
- 1 cup pecans, chopped
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup sour cream (I didn't have any so I used 1 cup vanilla yogurt)
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup sugar
- Remaining box of cake mix
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 2 Tbsp milk
Grease a bundt pan and preheat oven to 375. To make streusel, combine 2 Tbsp cake mix, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Mix in pecans and set aside. To make cake, mix the rest of the cake mix, eggs, sour cream, oil, water, and sugar in a bowl. Pour 2/3 of the cake batter into the bundt pan, sprinkle the streusel filling all around, then spoon in the last 1/3 of batter over it so the streusel layer is covered up. Bake at 375 for 45-55 minutes (mine took only 45 minutes). Cool cake, mix ingredients for glaze, drizzle over cake.